Proud to be in Exhibition Logistics
Please meet Wiseman Thora who joined us as a porter in 2002 when he was young & just out of school. He had the pleasure of working with our late director, Clive & he never thought that it was possible to not only learn how to drive a forklift with such skill, but also to become a supervisor & mentor to young people coming in to work on the show site. If you catch him in a quiet moment he will share with you all the adventures he’s had over the many years of working in our industry.
Please meet Chuma May who joined us as a porter many years after Wiseman, also young & out of school. As he was always the first person to volunteer to assist Wiseman on the forklift, Wiseman decided to mentor him in the way Clive had done for him, with grace & humility.
Post Covid, these 2 men were so excited when our industry re-opened again, they joined forces to source & train people hungry to work. They both work closely with our clients & at the same supervise & train the crews for many of the local events in Cape
We are really proud of their achievements & we thoroughly enjoy working with them.